Visado de turista para Australia

Tourist visa in Australia

The best option for those planning short-term visits.

We know that managing visas is not the most enjoyable part of a trip, so we want to share our experience with you and guide you through the process step by step to make it easy for you. Let’s get started!

Are you thinking of spending a couple of weeks in Australia to surf on the world’s best beaches? Do you dream of a vacation road trip through major cities and breathtaking landscapes? Are you planning a pit stop to see the Great Barrier Reef on your journey around the world? In any case, if you plan to spend short periods in Australia, you will need to apply for a tourist visa.

Want to know more about the tourist visa in Australia? Keep reading or fill out the form below to receive personalized information from a Dingoos Guide. It’s free!

What is the tourist visa?

If you’re thinking of spending a couple of weeks in Australia surfing the best beaches in the world or dreaming of a vacation road trip through breathtaking landscapes, you’ll need to apply for a tourist visa.

The tourist visa is a type of visa that allows you to enter Australia and stay in the country for up to 12 consecutive months. It is usually associated with activities such as tourism or vacations.

Unless you have Australian or New Zealand nationality, you must apply for the tourist visa before leaving your country. But that’s not all, because you should also know that there are different types of tourist visas in Australia. Let’s see what they are.

¿Tipos de visado de turista en Australia?


eVisitor Visa (651)

  • Para estar más de tres meses en Australia y poder trabajar te recomendamos solicitar el visado de estudiante.
  • Available only for some nationalities, including Spanish and other EU citizens.
  • Always apply from outside Australia.
  • You must not have criminal records resulting in a sentence of more than 12 months of imprisonment.
  • The visa duration is one year, but you cannot stay in Australia for more than three months.
  • You can study, but only for a maximum of three months.
  • No work is allowed.
  • It is free.
  • If you plan to stay in Australia for more than three months and work, we recommend applying for a student visa.

Visitor Visa (600) tourist visa

  • It has a cost ranging from $190 AUD to $1120 AUD.
  • The Australian government may ask for proof of funds in your bank account to ensure you can afford living in Australia without working.
  • It has a duration of one year, and you can stay in Australia for 3, 6, or 12 consecutive months.
  • You can apply from within Australia, even to extend your stay if you have held another type of visa, such as a student visa.

How to apply for your eVisitor Visa (651) tourist visa?

First and foremost: make sure your passport covers the entire period you will be in Australia. If you see that it’s close to expiration, don’t hesitate: renew it before coming to avoid unnecessary hassles.


Create your account

  • If it’s your first time applying for a visa, you’ll need to create your ImmiAccount. If you’ve already applied for a visa, just log in.
  • Fill out the form. As you’ll see, all responses are mandatory, so have your identification details ready.
  • Confirm your email. Once everything is ready, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

Apply to get the visa

  • Within your account, you’ll see an option that says “application for an eVisitor.”
  • Fill out the form.
  • Once the process is complete, check that you’ve received a confirmation email indicating that they have received your application. If you don’t see it at first, take a look in the spam folder!

Visa confirmation

  • In a couple of business days, you’ll receive confirmation that your visa has been approved.
  • When you receive the email, print it and bring it with you when you come to Australia (it’s not necessary in principle, but it doesn’t hurt to have it “just in case”).
  • Before packing your bags, take a look at this post about things you can’t bring to Australia. You never know!

How to apply for your Visitor Visa (600) tourist visa

Here are the steps you need to follow to apply for your Visitor Visa (600):


Create your account

Just like starting the eVisitor visa application, you’ll also need to create an account in ImmiAccount to apply for the Visitor Visa (600). If you’ve applied for a visa before, you only need to log in.


Apply to get the visa

  • Once inside your ImmiAccount, select “New application” > “Visitor” > Visitor Visa (600).
  • Fill out the form. After accepting the terms and conditions, they’ll ask for details like the entry and exit dates from Australia, reasons for the trip, etc.
  • After paying the fees and completing the application process, they’ll send a confirmation email to your email (don’t forget to check your spam folder).

Visa confirmation

  • The resolution time for this visa is between 20 or 25 days, so we recommend applying with some margin of time.
  • When the resolution of your application is complete, you’ll receive an email with the result. From here, if your visa is approved, you can print it to bring with you when you come to Australia, although this is not necessary.
  • In the meantime, and to check the status of your application, you can visit this page on the Australian government website.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need medical insurance if I travel to Australia as a tourist?

No te la juegues, la respuesta es sí (salvo que no te dé miedo nada, seas millonario y te guste malgastar tu dinero… ¡y ni con esas!). Ten en cuenta que aquí la sanidad es carísima y si te ocurre algo tendrás que pagar todos los gastos médicos de tu propio bolsillo.
Te puede picar un insecto o torcerte un tobillo, cosas sin importancia pero que aquí te puede costar una auténtica fortuna.

Echa un vistazo e infórmate de todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el seguro OVHC para turistas en Australia.


Don’t take risks, the answer is yes (unless you fear nothing, are a millionaire, and enjoy wasting your money… and even then!). Keep in mind that healthcare here is extremely expensive, and if anything happens, you’ll have to cover all medical expenses out of your own pocket. You might get bitten by an insect or twist your ankle—things that may seem trivial but can cost you a fortune here.

Take a look and find out everything you need to know about OVHC insurance for tourists in Australia.

Can I work with a tourist visa?

The answer is a definite no, and be cautious because Australians are very strict about this. In fact, they have a list of different types of work visas. We recommend the student visa, as it is the easiest to obtain and allows you to work part-time while studying, traveling, and enjoying Australia.

Can I study with a tourist visa?

Yes, but only for a course with a duration of no more than 3 months. If you’re considering a short stay to learn English in the summer, attend a workshop, or something similar, feel free to ask us anything. One of our Dingoos Guides will provide free advice on available courses and schools, in addition to helping you plan your trip.

Can I enter and leave Australia with my tourist visa?

Yes, of course! You can enter and leave the country whenever you want without having to apply for a new visa each time. However, keep in mind that if you come with the eVisitor, you cannot stay for more than three consecutive months in total during one year.

Can I apply for the eVisitor Visa if I am already in Australia?

No, in this case, you will have to apply for the Visitor (600) visa without exception.

¿Qué es Dingoos y cómo te ayudamos?

En Dingoos nos dedicamos y (nos encanta) hacerle la vida más fácil a aquellas personas que deciden dar un cambio en su rutina.

Una vez que contactes con nosotros te asesoraremos de manera personalizada sobre tu mejor opción para vivir en este maravilloso país, y además te ayudaremos con todos los trámites y papeleos que suponen la tramitación del visado, ya sea con el visado de estudiante o Work & Holiday Visa.

Además, tenemos una gran comunidad de Dingoos repartida por toda Australia que hará que nunca te sientas solo o sola allá donde vayas.

Si quieres saber todo lo que podemos hacer por ti, aquí te dejamos nuestros servicios para que les eches un vistazo, aunque lo que te recomendamos es que te pongas en contacto con nosotros para recibir asesoramiento personalizado de un Guía Dingoos.

At Dingoos, we dedicate ourselves to making life easier for those who decide to make a change in their routine.

Once you contact us, we will provide personalized advice on your best option for living in this wonderful country, and we will also assist you with all the procedures and paperwork involved in visa processing, whether it’s a student visa or a Work & Holiday Visa.

Furthermore, we have a great community of Dingoos spread throughout Australia, ensuring you never feel alone wherever you go.

If you want to know everything we can do for you, here are our services for you to check out. However, we recommend getting in touch with us for personalized advice from a Dingoos Guide.

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